Dr. Dina Abdelmoneim

Dr. Tarek Yakout

Dr. Dina Abdelmoneim

  • Director, Cairo Cure

    Prestigious Memberships

    • Egyptian General Syndicate of Physicians.

    • European Society For Medical Oncology (ESMO)

    • American Society Of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)


    BSc degree

    Bachelor Degree of Medicine and Surgery, Kasr El Einy School of Medicine, Cairo University (1991)


    • High Impact Presentations, Dale Carnegie (2015)

    • Healthcare Management Diploma, American University in Cairo (2013-2014)

    • Leadership and Communication Skills Course (2012)

    • Hospital Management Course (2009)

    • Training course on peripheral stem cell and bone marrow transplantation, University of Nebraska Medical Centre, USA (1995)

    Work Experience

    • Medical doctor assisting Prof. Hamdy Abd El Azim (1992 – present).

    • Oncology resident in Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, Al Manial Specialised Hospital, Cairo University (1996 – 1999)

    • House Officer, Kasr El Einy School of medicine, Cairo University (1991- 1992)