Clinical Research

Clinical Research

Cairo Cure is one of the most active sites for research in the whole Middle East region. Cairo Cure is the only independent medical research wholly dedicated to cancer. Our research team conducts several retrospective studies to keep updated information about epidemiological and clinically relevant data.

We are committed to bringing the most innovative cancer treatment to our patients sooner. We perform medical research, clinical trials and studies to diagnose, treat and prevent cancer and also to manage the symptoms of cancer or the side effects of its treatment.

Cancer research, clinical trials and studies help in diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer and also in managing the symptoms related to cancer or its treatment.


Publications at Cairo Cure
  • 20163
  • 20155

Clinical trials are available for all stages of cancer. Many of our team members are personally involved in these clinical trials and so can advise you if you are eligible to participate in one of the ongoing studies.

You can be enrolled in an ongoing clinical trial upon your request after approval of your consultant if they believe that you are eligible for enrolment.

Also, Cairo Cure is the main partner in many multi-centre international clinical trials along the last 15 years. As patients’ safety is our major concern, all clinical trials conducted at Cairo Cure strictly follow the rules set by the Ministry of Health and its Ethics committee. We ensure that the highest standards of safety are maintained at all times.

Clinicopathologic Features of Breast Cancer in Egypt—Contemporary Profile and Future Needs: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Who are the women who enrolled in the POSITIVE trial: A global study to support young hormone receptor positive breast cancer survivors desiring pregnancy

Breast-Gynaecological & Immuno-Oncology International Cancer Conference (BGICC) Consensus and Recommendations for the Management of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

Programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression predicts response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in triple-negative breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis