Our Valuable Affiliations

At Cairo Cure, we are famous for providing world class service to our patients. We are recognized by several reputable international institutes as a medical center that meets international standards and follows the latest guidelines for both clinical oncology and palliative care.




University of Nebraska medical Center (UMNC)

UNMC is one of the reputable oncology centers in Nebraska,USA. There is a medical exchange program between UNMC and Cairo cure, where our doctors have continuous training and exchange medical expertise which will have a great effect on patients’ care.

If our patients would like to go for a second opinion, our center will arrange sending the required data to UNMC and inform them with the results.

In pathologically challenging cases, were, there is a discrepancy among different pathology readings, Cairo Cure arranges sending patients’ slides and blocks to UNMC to have slides and/or block revision.  

Nebrasaka Certificate

European Society for Medical Oncology | ESMO

Cairo Cure received the ESMO Designated Centres of Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care accreditation in 2014. This is a special recognition by the ESMO (European Society of Medical Oncology) for high level of integration between medical oncology and palliative care. This award is given to centres that provide their patients with the best quality services for all their medical and psychological need. Beside the great oncology services we provide, Cairo Cure is proud to provide the following services:

  • Pain management
  • Nutrition consultation
  • Psychological support
  • Home visits




ESMO Accrediation Certificate




ESO – European School of Oncology

Cairo Cure is recognized by the ESO as a center with expertise in diagnosis and state of the art treatment of breast cancer. Our center is listed among many reputable international centers in the Breast Cancer Network (BCN) of ESO ,denoting that we proudly meettheir international standard.