Successful Stories

Some of our patients would like to share with you their journey in beating cancer, from diagnosis to cure. They share their inspiring stories and how their journey helped them to find their inner strength and positively changed their lives.


Betty Mehanna, Breast cancer survivor

Betty Mehanna, a 44 year old lady, never expected to hear the word cancer, till that night when she noticed some irregularities in her breast. Having no similar cases among her family, she was initially shocked when she knew after having investigations done that she had breast cancer. Betty came to Cairo cure and shared her concerns with our team about having a mastectomy done. After meeting with Dr. Hamdy, she was assured that she can receive chemotherapy first to shrink her tumour so she can have a breast saving surgery done. After this initial meeting, Betty decided to receive her treatment at Cairo Cure in Cairo, despite being French and can receive her treatment abroad. After finishing her chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy, Betty says that staying positive, living her normal life and not letting cancer have an impact on her daily activities ,helped her much in beating breast cancer.She also said that the great support she received from her husband,daughter and friends made all the difference for her. Her final message is that Egypt has brilliant Drs and there is no need to travel abroad to seek treatment there,and though she had that chance but she felt in safe hands in Cairo Cure.

Ahmed Ibrahim, Lymphoma Cancer Survivor

Mr. Ahmed Ibrahim was only 6 years old when he was diagnosed with lymphoma. The news was hard for his family at the beginning and they were considering seeking medical advice in France. After his first meeting with Dr. Hamdy and Mrs. Samah, the head nurse at Cairo Cure, Mr. Ahmed and his family’s fears started to fade and decided to continue treatment here.

Mr. Ahmed is now 32 years old and is cured. He is now a successful accountant and a proud father of one son.

He says that fighting his disease with faith and strength was one of the main reasons he succeeded to beat it. The great support he received from his parents and uncle, and also from his doctors and nurses, helped him a lot in going through the treatment journey from diagnosis to cure.

Miral tawfik, Breast CANCER SURVIVOR

This story was written by the writer herself:

“My name is Miral Tawfik. I am 50, with an 11 year old son. I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in September 2016. I underwent surgery to remove my right breast which revealed that 7 out of 14 lymph nodes were affected, ER, PR sensitive. I took an appointment to meet Dr Hamdy Abdel Azim and met him and his team shortly after my surgery. Dr Abdel Azim selected a protocol of 4 AC and 4 Taxotere sessions for me. A small surgical procedure involved the placement of a portacath through which chemotherapy would be administered. I started chemotherapy in Dec 2016.

Two exceptional aspects that make Cairo Cure clearly stand out are:

  • The supporting treatments that minimize the adverse side effects of chemotherapy, allowing patients to lead a normal lifestyle.
  • The world class medical staff operating in an efficient, round the clock patient support system.

Chemotherapy was followed by radiotherapy, also under the supervision of the Cairo Cure medical team.

A year after this earthquake rocked my life as well as my family’s, I am proud to be in remission and I want to thank Cairo Cure for bringing me to safety.

I thank Dr Hamdy Abdel Azim, the head of this “beehive” of hard work, excellence and humanity. I thank one by one, the doctors, nurses, clinical pharmacists and administrative staff.

Keep doing what you’re doing. It works!”

Sherine Akmal, breast cancer survivor

Sherine Akmal is a 42 year old lady who was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago. Sherine is a talented owner of a media production house and a proud mother of two daughters. She fought her battle against breast cancer with great faith that helped her a lot in getting through all treatment stages smoothly. Listening to Holy Quran gave her a great feeling of inner peace and listening to her favourite music helped her to relax at times she needed it the most. The great support she received from her husband and daughters helped her much during the darkest moments.

Sherine wants to thank Dr. Hamdy A.Azim and his team for taking great care of her, from diagnosis to the end of treatment, for easing her fear and always being available whenever she needed medical assistance.  She also, wants to thank Dr. Naglaa A.Razek, professor of radio diagnosis for her professionalism and breaking the news of her diagnosis in such a pleasant way, and Dr.Hafez Mohamed Hafez, her surgeon.

After finishing her treatment, sherine wants to tell us that cancer is a disease as any other disease and even simpler .You shall have side effects from treatment, but they are tolerable and shall pass. keeping your faith is the most important thing and don’t forget to only take medical advice from your treating Dr and never from the internet as it can be very misleading.